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February 27, 2025

Did you know? proFRAME has various timing modes for video playback

In addition to the acquisition of video data (video capture, video data logging), proFRAME is also used in a large number of projects for the playback of video sequences (video replay/playback). Especially in HiL applications for the validation of ADAS/AD driving functions, the correct timing of the playback of the individual video frames plays a central role. proFRAME offers the user three different modes for the playback of video sequences: synchronous, asynchronous and triggered.

With asynchronous playback, the proFRAME starts playback after the first video frame has been completely transferred to the PC RAM and passed to the proFRAME driver for playback. The duration until playback of the next frame (inter frame gap) is taken by proFRAME from the respective frame header, which contains the necessary meta information.

Synchronous playback is particularly important for open-loop HiL tests: It is based on the time stamps that were given to the individual video frames during data recording. During playback, the frames are played back according to these time stamps (easy to synchronize with other playback systems, e.g. for CAN or similar), which ensures that the video sequence is fed into the ECU exactly as it was recorded during the test drive.

During triggered playback, a trigger pulse sequence fed in by the ECU via GPIO is used for synchronization. The video frames can be played back either on a rising or falling edge, or with a delay.

proFRAME is a registered trademark of Solectrix GmbH. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
