• Grant-Funded Project Lumilens

Innovative contact lens against winter depression

The dark season affects many people’s moods and can even lead to winter depression, a so-called SAD, seasonal depression. Those affected suffer from symptoms such as increased daytime sleepiness, irritability, listlessness or sleep disorders. The cause is the lack of daylight in autumn and winter, which leads to an accumulation of melatonin and a lack of the happiness hormone serotonin. The Lumilens funding project is intended to remedy the situation.


To develop an innovative, luminous contact lens for the medical treatment of winter depression and sleep disorders, including cleaning and charging devices.

Our contribution:

Cleaning and loading device

Other partners from industry and research:

Wöhlk Contactlinsen GmbH, Schönkirchen

Universitätsklinikum Würzburg, Würzburg

WILDDESIGN GMBH & CO. KG, Gelsenkirchen

Inmold A/S, Horsholm, Dänemark

Further information:
