• Contact

May We Help You?

Do you have a question, a suggestion or a project that you want to talk to us about? Then just give us a call or send us an e-mail. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Company Address:

solectrix GmbH
Dieter-Streng-Str. 4
90766 Fürth

Information on Our Products:

+49 (0) 911 – 30 91 61-265

General Information:

+49 (0) 911 – 30 91 61-0

Opening Hours:

Monday – Friday 8.30 AM – 6.00 PM
and according to agreement

Receipt of Goods:

Monday – Friday 8.30 AM – 3.30 PM
Entrance on the right side of the building


Line U1: Hardhöhe station
Bus 176: Hardhöhe
Exit Manfred-Roth-Straße/Dieter-Streng-Straße
