Rapid Imaging Prototyping System
SXIVE (Simplified eXtensive Image and Video Engine) is a comprehensive image processing ecosystem. A SXIVE-based setup consists of the actual SXIVE software, a frame grabber board, hardware accelerators, and a variety of apps and plugins. It enables image processing professionals to practice rapid prototyping as well as real-time processing and analysis of images and video streams. With its flexible architecture, SXIVE can be tailored to the requirements of any imaging project and it makes it possible to replace hardware components or implement new requirements over the course of the project without having to change the development environment.
SXIVE quick facts:
- Instant prototyping & development
- Sensor & ISP evaluation
- Modular reference platform
- Test-drive ready
- Suitable for acceptance tests
Customized Image Processing Solution
- Halide-based software solution for a customized high-performance ISP that increases image quality, reduces noise and improves sharpness.
- Up to 8 cameras in parallel, real-time capable with additional GPU acceleration, latency times under 5 ms possible
- ISP written in C++, supporting many target architectures
- x86, Arm®, CUDA®, OpenCL™, Hexagon™, …
- Many Solectrix image processing modules to choose from
- Every module can be adapted to your needs
- Recording system for raw and processed image sensor data
- Customized video stream interfaces
- Seamless integration into your existing workflows
Created by us for you according to your specifications –
or created by yourself with our powerful ISP SDK!
SXIVE SoftISP SDK – Image Signal Processing Toolkit
- Custom image enhancement algorithms for even more control over the image processing pipeline. Design your own ISP or use standalone image algorithms!
- The ISP SDK can be adapted to different imagers and lenses in no time.
- Rich collection of usage examples making it easy to get started with the software.
- Numerous output modules that can be integrated into common image processing tools such as gstreamer, ffmpeg, opencv, or a GUI.
- The ISP SDK is a closed source C++ library that provides optimized image processing algorithms for high-quality results. It comes as a Debian package for easy installation and management of the SDK.
- CMake integration makes it easy to build and configure your project.
- Visual Studio Code based development environment
SXIVE Calibration SDK
- Correction of the incoming image regarding color, lens distortion and lens shading to produce a flawless picture.
- Automated operation: The SXIVE Calibration SDK streamlines the calibration process, making it intuitive and accessible to users of all levels of expertise. With the SDK’s user-friendly interface, calibration becomes a one-click operation, eliminating the complexities typically associated with image reconstruction and calibration and enabling users to save valuable time and resources.
- Seamless compatibility: Combined with the SXIVE SoftISP SDK’s exceptional flexibility, the SXIVE Calibration SDK ensures compatibility with a vast array of image sensors.
- C++ library integration: For an individual approach, a C++ library for program-controlled calibration is available. This offers maximum flexibility and seamless integration into existing tools.
- Can also be used with other existing ISPs without the SoftISP SDK.
SXIVE Sensor Configuration Tool (Open Source)
- An open source project available here: https://github.com/solectrix/SXIVE-SCT
- Enables users to configure the countless registers of modern image sensors via a convenient on-screen interface
- Offers an easy way to add a new sensor’s register layout for use within the tool, accounting for the individual ways sensor manufacturers use to document their sensors’ registers
- Procurement and implementation of confidential sensor-specific data is left to the user to avoid the need for three-way NDAs
- Programmers can expand on our initial offering, developing the tool further based on their needs and experiences
Hardware Bundles for a Quick Start
Hardware Bundle LT – The light, space-saving model
For an even quicker development start: The Hardware Bundle LT is a fully pre-configured and tested plug & play system.
- Based on the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin™ platform
- 12-core 64-bit Arm® v8.2 CPU
- 2048-core Ampere GPU
- Enough resources for modern image processing tasks
- Standard CUDA® capabilities
- Standard connectors (Ethernet, USB, HDMI®, etc.)
- Small form factor is ideal for, e.g., in-car installation
- proFRAME frame grabber module
- Full Linux® development environment
Hardware Bundle HP – The high-performance model
When you require a lot of processing power in the prototyping phase, the Hardware Bundle HP is the way to go.
- Full-blown HPC system for complex image processing evaluation platforms with multi-camera and ISP setups
- Intel Core™ i7-12700E CPU
- proFRAME frame grabber module
- Full Linux® development environment
Components of a SXIVE-Based System
Frame Grabber, e.g., proFRAME
- Generic frontend for GMSL™2/3, FPD-Link™ III/IV
- Up to 8 interfaces
- Capture raw video data
- Up to 32 Gbit/s video transmission
- PoC (Power over Coax)
- RTX™ & Jetson™
- AMD System-on-a-Chip (SoC)
- CUDA® & TensorRT™
Video Engine
- Sensor integration
- Alternate image sources
- SoftISP
- Multi-stream output
- Dynamic configuration
- Plugin architecture
Apps & Plugins
- AI pre-processing
- Visualization
- Video analytics
- Recording
- Custom prototyping applications
- Streaming
Transition to Series Product
Beside serving as a base for verification and validation, SXIVE can be used to derive a precisely defined and finetuned processing chain for the final target technology. One possible shape for a SXIVE-based system is the Solectrix-developed processing unit SXVPU, which can be flexibly tailored to customer projects and which can handle diverse processing and analysis functions thanks to its AMD SoC and an AI component.
SXIVE Case Studies
SXIVE is already being used in numerous projects. Here are a few examples how we were able to help our customers tackle very specific challenges:
Project: L4 Video Software Development
Development of a deterministic and high-quality image processing solution for autonomous driving where a high level of expertise in image processing was required.
Car Tier 1
Taking into account the down-stream image evaluation via neural networks, the ISP tuning was performed directly in the vehicle and the required reference applications and algorithmic steps were implemented for the customer.
Project: Cooperation with a sensor manufacturer
Many sensor manufacturers have trouble quickly and easily demonstrating their new sensors with all their features to their customers and implementing them in their projects. Evaluation boards can only help to a limited degree because very flexible prototypes are needed very quickly.
Sensor OEM
With SXIVE, Solectrix offers a Rapid Imaging Prototyping System that makes it possible to quickly put new sensors into operation and deploy them in (series) projects.
Project: Image Processing Solution for a Parking System
The customer has trouble with the image processing of his existing parking systems in certain light conditions. An effective and high-quality solution for image processing on the same GPU that’s being used for the image recognition algorithms is required
Car Tier 1
Solectrix showed the customer how the performance with the SXIVE Soft ISP differs from the present solution. Not only did it solve the existing problem, the performance regarding resource use on the GPU was remarkable, so the customer decided to use SXIVE.
Project: Improved Image Processing in a Live Setting
The customer is using cameras on a vehicle, but in various light conditions there are multiple disturbing effects in the image.
Truck OEM
Comparing the present systems with the SXIVE Soft ISP, Solectrix was able to show the customer a decisive improvement in image quality. The solution was quickly implemented and improved the image processing during live operation.
Project: Surveillance System for Environmental and Traffic Conditions
The customer requires a solution for continuous surveillance and recording of environmental and traffic conditions in certain locations.
Car Tier 1
Building on the SXIVE LT Bundle, Solectrix quickly set up a first prototype for evaluation purposes that can be switched to the larger HP Bundle if required, covering all requirements regarding data processing and transfer.
Project: High-performance Image Pre-Processing for Highly Automated Driving
The customer requires a high-performance ISP with low latency to evaluate cameras on remote-controlled vehicles in real time.
Truck OEM
SXIVE was evaluated by the customer and found superior to existing solutions. Thus, our solution was implemented and is now providing improved image quality in real time.
Furthermore, some customer-specific features were implemented, providing additional value.
Project: Processing and Recording of Real-Time Data in a Lab
A car supplier needs processing and recording of images in real time in a lab or directly in a vehicle.
Car Tier 1
Using the SXIVE HP Bundle, we achieved reliable processing and recording of data by adapting the system exactly to the sensor used, the camera and the overall setup.
Project: Live Tuning
The customer needs the option to use software libraries and programming interfaces for the configuration of parameters of the ISP and the connected camera so that he can tune the image quality in real time.
Car Tier 1
With the SXIVE SDK he was able to establish his own image quality tuning workflow.
Project: Reference System for Series Production Support
The customer wants to introduce a new type of image sensor (RGB-NIR) in the context of two series projects. For a relatively long time during series development, the degree of maturity of the control units that are being developed does not allow for processing of the sensor images, yet these are urgently required for risk protection and for development purposes for other involved suppliers, who build on the processing of the sensor images.
The customer is able to bridge the critical time frame with a reference system based on the SXIVE Soft ISP. The new type of image sensor can thus be evaluated timely and suppliers dependent on the sensor image can be provided with the required video material in time.
Project: Adaptive ISP for Automotive Camera
For the development of a new camera in the automotive field, a customer requires an individually customized ISP (image signal processor) for adaptation to the specific setup using existing modules and dedicated new developments.
Car Tier-1
For the sake of gathering initial experience with the sensor and the necessary algorithms and building know-how for later phases of the projects, the SXIVE soft ISP is used in the first phase of the project. The goal is to work with the sensor from the start and to implement and evaluate the necessary algorithms directly based on a live image. Furthermore, this enables the detection of potential risks for a later porting.
Project: Rapid Prototyping in the Lab Automation Field
For production automation in a lab environment, a customer requires a quick and simple solution for evaluating a new system approach early. Various types of vessels are to be recognized and analyzed.
Lab Automation
To get one step closer to the solution on the image algorithm level, the SXIVE Rapid Imaging Prototyping System is employed. The use of SXIVE enables testing of various cameras and system approaches to detect potential problems and special cases and to asses them. The flexible adaptability of the image processing makes it possible to draw first conclusions about possibly needed further adjustments to the system right at the start of the project.
SXIVE-Related Videos
SXIVE and proFRAME are registered trademarks of Solectrix GmbH. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.