• Grant-Funded Project SySiKo

Using high tech against the danger of blind spots

How easily it happens that a truck or bus driver overlooks a cyclist or pedestrian in his blind spot when turning. Traffic accidents, often with serious consequences for the weaker road users, are the result. The funding project SySiKo should pave the way to put an end to this source of danger.


The development of a vehicle-based system for the detection and signaling of a collision risk with weak road users in the blind spot area.

Our contribution:

FPGA-based CNN kernel and SoC carrier board

Other partners from industry and research:

DResearch Fahrzeugelektronik GmbH, Berlin

Universität Potsdam

SySiKo – Fahrzeugbasiertes System zur Ermittlung und Signalisierung einer Kollisionsgefahr mit schwachen Verkehrsteilnehmern im Totwinkelbereich – is sponsored by the Bundesministerium für Forschung und Entwicklung.
